Monday, January 15, 2007

Why Battlestar Galactica is so frakking good...

If you haven't been watching Battlestar Galactica, you will need to go back to the beginning to understand what's going on. The plot and characters are very complex and their history is very dense and intertwined. I believe the show is so good because they story and the characters are experiencing REAL drama. The humans have suffered real loss and real terror. However, there are real heroes, real traitors, and many many shades of grey, which makes the show so real. The kind of drama the humans experience in BSG is not like the drama say in Grey's anatomy (which I love also). In Grey's much of the drama is whiny, selfish, childish drama. BSG drama is adult, engaging, complex, scary, and real.

I hope the show stays on TV for a long, long time. It really is the best show on TV. Anyone will like the show, it is not your typical SciFi that many people balk at. My Mom would even like it! ha ha

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